Spring Has Sprung... Or has it?

Hello again friends, It's been a long time since I last posted. I just wanted to drop in and see how everyone is doing? I hope its a nice where you are as it is here in Michigan. I have some fun new things to share with you today. With all the mixed up weather we have had. I decided to do a Weather theme this week. we made rainbows and clouds with sponges. This activities was really fast but came out really cute. We also tried a new science activity as well. We mixed colors using putting and cool aid mix. this was a lot of fun and the friends really enjoyed it. I will say that when I do this activity again, I will use cool aid and shaving cream instead of pudding, as I think the shaving cream will mix and spread easier. I hope you enjoyed these activities and I look forward to hearing from all of you. Don't forget to visit my website thecreativecampus.weebly.com Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker, Theresa @ The...