Learning With Make Believe Play
Happy 2014 Everyone! I hope your new year is off to a running start!!!! I wanted to talk about a fun way to create play experiences and learning at the same time. MAKE BELIEVE! Remember that from when you were a child? I do, I used to line up chairs and cover them with a sheet to make a camper and pretend I was going on long trips in the middle of nowhere. You can use Real items from around the house, and create a fun play learning experience. Give your children pots, pans, spoons and Let them use real recipes ( start with play dough recipes). Let them Pour, Stir and mix all the items together. This opens up opportunities to talk about Math and Science. Then you can have some fun with your child and let them roll, squish and create there own concoction's . I have even given students boxes to color and decorate and let them make "restaurants" with. Let them use their dishes and extend the play opportunity. A fun recipe to use for this is Applesauce Play dough all you n...