
Showing posts from January, 2015

Manipulitives For Play and Learning!

Hello Again Everyone! I have something for you that you might find helpful. Manipulatives are a great toy for introducing Math and Reading Skills. These toys encourage children to recognize Color, Size and Patterns. Manipulatives encourage children to engage in creative play without limits. When they do this, they naturally start to recognize that some look similar and then begin to group them. What are some of your favorite Manipulatives to use? I have used many over the years. Play dough is a fun one to use, which offers many different opportunities for Learning, Play and Development. I like to have the children make a simple play dough, which teaches them to follow directions and engages math skills. Then I offer the children an opportunity to play with their play dough which engages motor skills and eye hand coordination. Often I will give the children learning activities to do with the play dough such as Letter Copying, Shape Copying,  and even Number and Counting Pract...

Are You a Nanny, Stay At Home Mom or Caregiver Looking For Creative Ideas and Fun Network To Share With?

Hello Everyone! I wanted to send you a special invite to a group I started. I enjoy sharing my favorite activities that I have done over the years, so I decided that start posting my ideas online in the form of this blog. This is a fun way to share my ideas with others, however I also like to hear about the activities that others who work with children do as well. Networking and sharing in person is at times complicated, so I have started a Facebook group for this very purpose that I would love to invite you to. "The Creative Campus Activity Group" is where you can find us. I share Activities, Blog posts, Newsletters, Art Activities, Games and invites to my events.  I would love for you to come and share with us as well! I love to meet new people and this is another fun way to make that happen!  I hope to see you there soon! Theresa @

Alphabet Soup

Hi Everyone! I hope your enjoying the New Year so far! I wanted to share a fun idea with you what I have used many times over the years. We all know how important it is to help our little friends learn Letters and Numbers. Well I wanted to come up with a way to do this using "Play", so I came up with "Alphabet Soup" Game. You use your sensory bin filling it with small manipulatives including bugs, cars food things like that. give each child a real life cooking spoon or ladle. then each person gets to take a turn getting one scoop of objects and putting them into their soup bowl. by saying the following rhyme I Scoop (name the object or letter for the very small friends 2/3) out of my soup with my little spoon.  OR for older friends I use this one.  " I scooped (name the object) out of my soup with my little scoop with my little spoon, and it starts with (child names letter). you can use this for children who are learning to read and spell as well. have them...