My Thoughts On Language Development
Hi everyone! I wanted to write you a post and let you know about something I have been inspired to do ( thanks to all the reading I have been doing). I want to start writing blog posts on different topics and give ideas on effective ways to engage in the topic with young children. Sometimes these things will be about children who are Developmentally Delayed ( something I have studied for years) and sometimes it will be about topics that relate to children of all abilities. This time I would like to write about Language Development. I recently read some interesting books and articles on this topic, and learned a lot of interesting things. As I'm sure you know, we are all different kinds of learners. Some of us are Visual, Some of us are Hands on and some of us are Auditory. I happen to be a visual and hands on learner myself. If I try to learn about something through reading it in a book, forget I won't remember in 20 minutes from now. It is said that children at a young ...