Freebies For My Friends!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are somewhere you can enjoy the spring weather. So many new things to discover and experience this time of the year. I often share things that I do in the classes I work with here with all of you and I encourage you all to share your favorite ideas as well. In the spirit of new changes all around, I want to give you a Free Gift. I encourage you to share this post with all of your Parent/Teacher friends as well and I will share with them also. The only catch is, in order to get your free surprise I would like for you to email me and tell me you read about this offer here on my blog, or on FB.

I look forward to hearing from and meeting you all!

Ms. Theresa


  1. You can go to my website. and get one month free of my Activities program for you to use at home or in your own classroom.


    Ms. Theresa


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