Halloween Fun

Hi Everyone!

 I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I just wanted to let you in on something we did in my class today. We had some non scary Halloween fun. We made Wild Things
 Each child chose a piece of paper, and I set out paint, pom poms and Halloween themed stickies. I showed the children how to dunk the golf ball in the pain and roll it on the paper. From there I let them add what they wanted.
 Once the eyes were on, they truly started to look like "Wild Things". Then when they were all done adding hair  and skin and whatever they could imagine, I cut around the edges to create the full "Wild Thing" look! Suprisingly my friends sat for a very long time creating these THINGS!  Im not sure which they enjoyed more, the Painting stage or the Gluing stage! I was very excited to see how these turned out! for older kids we usually add on arms and legs as well.

As if that weren't enough fun for my little friends, we took a break from "Art" and did a very fun sensory activity, that I talked about earlier this week. This time I put a Halloween twist on it!
We decided to do shaving cream and paint. The children had a lot of fun with this as well. They enjoyed choosing two paint colors and using their hands to mix the colors not only together, but INTO the shaving cream. Then I added even more fun, by giving them Halloween themed Jiggle Clings. They love covering the clings in the shaving cream and trying to trace the clings with their fingers.

These clings were money well spent. I hope you enjoy these activities as much as we did!

Have a Wonderful Week!



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