Home School Through Play

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I wanted to share something with you and get your thoughts in return. I know a lot of parents are interested in the concept of Homeschooling and creating an active interest in learning while at home. I wanted to share with you some thoughts on the topic. I believe that Play not only is how children learn best and most naturally, Play also promotes and creates creativity. When children are allowed and encouraged to be creative you build a passion for learning. A passion for learning is the key to getting children engaged in learning which leads to them being able to take in all the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed as they grow through life into adult hood. Childhood is a time for learning and experiencing the environment around them. Play allows children to build confidence in their skills and knowledge at their own pace.
That is why when I introduce a new topic or activity, I always test the idea first. By this I mean, that I question the children about their interest in the topic or the experience before creating it. When I introduce a picnic them I start by reading a story on picnics or different foods we might eat. Then I offer a discussion about what their favorite and least favorite things our. Only after doing these kinds of activities do I them introduce and offer Art, Science or Play experiences related to the topic. This ensures that the children will be interested in the activities that are about to be offered. Play can be used to introduce all the basic learning topics that we all want our children to be exposed to. Colors, Numbers, Letters, Shapes, Science and even Social Skills. What Are Some Of The Ways You Use Play to "Teach" Your Little ones?


  1. I believe children do enjoy learning and playing

  2. If You Have Questions About This Or Any Other Topic Related send them my way and I will personally answer them.


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