Language Development Through Sensory Play

Language development is a skill that can be encouraged through all forms of play. today I want to give you a few activities that will enforce Language using Sensory play and experiences. I like to play games that turn learning into fun. some of my favorites are Chica Chica Boom Boom which is a game taken from the book. It can be played as a group or one on one. This game enforces eye hand coordination and letter recognition. (for more details on this game search my blog for Chica Chica Boom Boom).
This is another wonderful game that can be played with kids who are learning to use and expand language. I like to offer a sensory station that has Shaving Cream or Sand Or Noodles and in this station I try to find small interesting objects that the children will be interested in investigating. I gather the children by saying " I spy With My Little Eye...  Something blue, Something that starts with the Letter "T" so on and so forth. this gets there attention and interest. then I get them to explore on their own to see what else they can find and tell me about it. "build A"( Robot, Minion Me, Caterpillar ect").I also like to offer experiences for children to engage in independent play that allows them to use their imagination while building language. one of my favorite ways of doing this is offering a "lots of dots"  play station.  This can be a station with pom poms where the children use small motor to sort by color, or as you see below it can be an art station where you offer "circle" shaped objects to create art with. You will always find one station in all my classrooms where children can explore Pretend play which is another great way to encourage language development. I hope you enjoyed these activities, and if you are interested in receiving more FOR FREE on a weekly basis, Join My 5 Activities For Learning Email Program. I will share 5 activities on a different topic each week for 6 weeks. Ms. Theresa


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