A New Year, A New Concept Theme! "Loose Parts Play"

Happy New Year and Happy Monday!
I wanted to talk to you today about, Loose Parts Play! This is something I recently discovered... and I LOVE IT!
Instead of offering Teacher directed activities, I love the idea of offering pieces for play, as an invitation to explore and learn on their own. the creativity is endless and totally personalized. You can offer this kind of play for Any Topic or Subject. this play lends its self well to Art, Science and Even Make Believe Play. The Math ideas are endless as well. Leaves, Trees, Pumpkin,  Snowmen! are some of my favorite "Themes" to use with this concept. You can offer so many different materials depending on what your learning goal is. What are your favorite ways to use Small Parts Play?
I am so excited about using this Learning Method with my friends.
I am a big believer in hands on learning. I believe this is how children learn best. when children can engage with learning materials instead of my listening to a lesson,  children feel engaged and part of the learning process.

if you enjoyed this blog and want some more creative ideas. Click the link Below and Get on the List to join my FREE Program Centered Around This Idea!
http://thecreativecampus.weebly.com/free--tip-of-the-month.html Each week for 6 weeks you will receive 5 activities to use at home. I will also be launching a Paid program this month where you will get 30 days of hands on learning experiences. Each month will be themed, I give you the activity idea and you are free to put your own twist on the activity at home. If you are interested in learning more about this program before it is launched. Leave me a comment on this post or email me directly fragileangel@wowway.com



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