Open Ended "LooseParts" with Stars and Planets

Stars and Planets (Loose Parts) Oh my Stars, are we going to have some fun! do you have friends who like to learn everything their is to know about stars and plants? I have some fun activities to get them engaged. Let them create their own planet. give them different size circles, and let them design their planet . you can also get them to engage their language skills and creativity. talk to them about their planet and what its like. Dictate what they say . IF some of your friends are more interested in stars over planets, give them some star shapes and night sky colored paper and encourage them to create a starry night sky. These are just a few of my favorite activities for this topic, and I hope you have as much fun with them as I have. I love this theme, because it offers endless open ended fun and learning. Everyone can find something to enjoy with this theme. It doesn't matter if a child is more drawn to Science, Art or Hands on construction. Ther...