Raising Helpers! Growing as We Play

Today I want to encourage you to get your kids involved in daily tasks. Let them help with meal prep. Label the doors and shelves with picture of items for the to choose from along with the number of items to take. Post pictured steps they need to follow to complete a task (dressing themselves, Feeding animals), and so on. Let them help with yard work. This may mean giving them one task such as scooping dirt into a pot with a shovel.  Its a great way to share one on one time and teach independence. Letting kids do things for themselves builds Self Esteem . Let them figure out how to complete the task on their own (trial and Error). Encourage Their Creativity and interest in doing things for themselves. Remember that your children are watching what you do, and they will use their play to Imitate your actions. "If they see you do it, They will want to try".

Questions For Learning and Engaging: ...

1) What do we need to complete this task?
2) What do we need to do first?
3) How will you feel when we finish the job?

Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker!



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