Elementry School Should Be More Like Preschool! ( Invitations To Play With Open Ended Loose Parts)

Hello Friends! 

 My name is Theresa and I own a company called The Creative Campus. I am known as a "Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker" for homeschooling parents and caregivers. I work with Moms and nannies of children 2 years old and older.

 “I Teach Growth Through Play”

 The Creative Campus works with our clients to set goals for learning and Building New Skills. These goals encourage their children to learn and grow using play! Once we work together to set goals, I teach them how to create activities at home based on their child's skills and Interests to reach the goals they set.

I wanted to talk to you about a concept that I have created and started working with this year. This concept is one that is perfect for kids from Preschool all the way through Elementary School. Play based Learning!  I believe that our kids are expected to sit for FAR to long during the course of their school day! because of this, I came up with a way to get them Involved in their learning and allowing them to move and engage with the lessons. I call it " Invitations To Play with open ended loose parts".

This Theory is centered around the concept that you can Teach one topic in several different areas, by using activities  that engage children through play. By getting children engaging in play, You begin to build skills naturally.

 1) More time to engage and learn together
2) Activities are built around your specific needs
3) Learning becomes fun and not work for both you and your child
4) Natural progression of skills emerge and learning and growth becomes fun and
5) Using activities created for you helps build routines and helps create stability for your
6) Eliminate the stress of endless searching through resources for activity ideas.
7) Resources to create activities at home that will support growth and
engagement through play.

If you are looking for:

1) Activities that Teach and Help You Grow Using Play

2) Activities Put Together For Your Specific Needs

3) A way to connect and share ideas with other Parents and Caregivers

Then Invitations To Play With Open Ended Loose Parts Is For You! http://thecreativecampus.weebly.com/work-with-me.html

 These program will eliminate your spending time reading endless blogs looking or ideas. You will receive daily activities to use at home that will create Growth and Learning through Play. As you use this program you will see your child Learning, Growing and Engaging in Learning in ways they never have before!

I cant wait to work with you! 

Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker!
(The Creator of The Creative Campus)



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