Open Ended "Loose Parts" Play With Pumpkins

Who Doesn't love pumpkins. I like to do a lot of fun activities with this topic. pumpkin seed math is a lot of fun. you can color the seeds different colors and let everyone take turns taking a scoop from the big pot. then they have to count and sort the seeds by color. once everyone has taken scoops and the seeds are gone. count each color and see who has the most of each. If you are looking for a fun art activity. make a pumpkin patch.

stuff brown bags full of news paper till fat. then paint them orange with a green stem. add a face to make them a jack O lantern. ( you can use the pumpkins as a gross motor game as well. Before painting the faces on, display the colored pumpkins in a *field* and let ever person walk about and Pick One.  then they can add their own face to the one they choose.  Makes for a fun group project .

For More Pumpkin Themed activities, Check out the "Invitations To Play" Program:

Silly Monsters (Loose parts)
This theme is so much fun!  its another one of those that you can pull in older friends, and they will have fun with it right along with their younger friends. I like to use this in place of traditional Halloween themes. This is also great for talking about feelings and emotions . Is there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?  leave me a message and I would love to help in anyway I can.

1) Go away Big Green Monster File Game (Contact Me To Purchase
2) Wild Thing Tissue Paper Art
3) Wild thing Jello sensory

Questions To ask For Extending Learning and Engagement:
1) How does your silly monster move?
2) How do pumpkins grow?
3) What can you make with a pumpkin?


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