Cyber Monday "I'm Bored" Buster ! (Kids ages 2 - 10) Only $25!

Happy Cyber Monday Everyone! We are in the swing on the Holiday Season. This can be a hectic and stressful time of the year. If you are a parent of caregiver of kids between the ages of 2 and 10 and your starting to hear "I'M BORED!" already this Holiday Season!..... This Will Help!

"5 Things My Programs and Services Offer!

1) Play Experiences that will engage and teach

2) Engagement Opportunities for you and your child to relax and have fun together during this hectic time of the year.

3) Together you will Build Creativity

4) I put all the ideas together for you so all you have to do is "Pick and Activity and Play".

5) you MAY NEVER hear "I'M BORED" Again! ( These activities are reusable because they are personalized and can be changed based on your child's Inspiration).

Have you ever wished you had access to someone who could help you create Learning activities that would allow your child to build new skills as they explored new subjects and topics through play?
Well today I want to give you just that!

Schedule 30 minutes with me to talk about what your learning and how you might need help bringing Play and Learning together. I will create 5 activities for you based on your child's Skills, Needs and Interests!…

"10 Kinds Of Curriculum I Can Create For You", As your Creative Content Creator!

1) Math Activities and Games
2) Science Experiences and Experiments
4) Language /Vocabulary Building Game
3) Routine Step Schedules
5) Small Motor Skill Builder Activities
6) Sensory Experiences
7) Gross Motor Games
9) Anxiety Reducing Activities for Separation and other situations ( step by step Routines)
10) Activities and Experience to build Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving Skills

My Top 10 Favorite Activities to Learn, Play and Engage...

1) Scavenger hunts
" Great way to give kids verbal cues as your working... and send them off around the house to find items". ( might be a fun way to get them to help clean up or set up for guests without them realizing it) . give them clues to places where items belong.
2) What is it game ( clues about item in a container. No peeking as you guess).
3) Child Directed Stories
4) Themed " Build A ---- Game" Robots, Turkeys, Gingerbread Houses. All Fun Versions. Label parts with numbers and take turns rolling dice or flipping cards to add pieces .
5) Alphabet soup or Number Soup. Fun for learning number letters Math and Spelling
6) Make Believe Play and Prop Boxes
7) Invitations to Create Play and Learning (offer loose parts)
8) Story Telling Stones
9) Themed I Spy
10) Cooking Homemade Play dough

If your starting to hear I'M BORED! already this Holiday Season!..... This Will Help!

30 Activities For Learning with and Engaging In Play!
These activities are ones that can be personalized based on your child's Interests and Skill Level. This Offer is only available till MIDNIGHT tonight!!

PS: When you buy this offer, I will give you my "Weekly Training Series". This is a weekly training series that brings Play and Learning Together.  This Series will start January 2, 2017.


  1. It is that time of year again! don't forget to "give the gift that keeps on giving!" Invitations To Play is full of learning and exploration activities that will keep kids learning over and over again. Totally customizable.


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