From The Desk Of Your Creative Content Creator "Animals"

Tip:  Animal Theme is a great way to get your kids learning and moving

Tip: Listening activities are great ways to get kids learning about animals and using classification skills.

Tip: offering different materials and letting the kids mix them together is a great sensory building experience when learning about “Animal Homes”
What are you working on? What do you need? What are your goals? If you are looking for more details about any of these activities.  Join Us and Let Us Help You Learn Through Play!  OR  Make Me Your  Personal Creative Content Creator ! ( Insert Link To Call)

Include Top 10 Favorites
  1. I make this sound and move this way!  … Who am I
     2)  Where Do I live Sensory Matching Experience
     3)  Mix and match animals (animals that live in different areas cut in half)
     4)  Whose footprint is it?
     5) Move Like a ( choose different kinds of animals)
     6) Build Animal Homes (Science/ Art/ Small Motor)
     7) how do i move ( animal classification
     8) Who Do I belong to? ( print out animal parts and everyone picks one). Each person gets a                      chance to add their part to the animal outline they think it belongs to.
     9) build an animal skeleton ( make bones)
   10) teamwork habitat building

Questions For Engaging Learning

1) Who Lives ( in the trees, In the Grass?)
2) What Kinds of Animals Hop, Slither, Run?
3) Who makes this sound? (imitate sound)


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