From The Desk Of Your Creative Content Creator "Gardens"

Theme:  Gardens and Science

Tip: Build Responsibility skills by building an jar garden.

Tip: Get kids to try new foods be allowing them to grow and prepare dishes and new foods.

Tip: Gardens are a great way to study plants, Bugs and Flowers and Learn how things grow.
What are you working on? What do you need? What are your goals? Join Us and Let Us Help You Learn Through Play!  OR  Make Me Your  Personal Creative Content Creator ! ( Insert Link To Call)

Include Top 10 Favorites
1) Build Gardens In Jars
2) Match Tops And bottoms of Fruits and veggies ( can be labeled with numbers and groups of items)
3) What Do you need to build a garden? Tools?  Supplies? * child directed list
4) how does it grow? ( Life Cycle Stages sensory bin)
5) build a meal.( use loose parts to represent foods) let kids create meals would be great for play dough.
6) how many parts does it have? What grows first?  
7) Plant classifications ( Trees, Veggies, Fruit,) Where do they grow sorting
8) Create your own plant or flower with scraps
9) What is it made from ( match fresh foods to things we eat everyday. Tomatoes= Tomato Sauce)
10) Child directed stories about growing gardens or plants.
Questions For Engaging Learning
1) What would you like to grow?
2) What would you turn it into?
3) Where would you like to build a garden?

If you Enjoy this and you are looking for more inspiration. Pick from several themes to get you engaged in learning and building new skills all year.!

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