Water Week! Monday Tip!

Good Morning Friends!  Today I wanted to ask you a question! How can you begin exploring water?  What can you do with water?  Today I want to share with you a Tip for getting started on your journey of learning about water.

TIP: Start from an idea that interests your child about water. Does your child like boats?  Swimming?  these are great gateways to use water to learn about transportation or movement. From here you can build on your exploration of the topic. You can tie in Subjects and Skills once you have a Interest point to start from.

If you want more fun learning experiences to help you learn about water. Check these out!

Under the sea! https://yescourse.com/~/creative-campus/#!store/invitations-to-play-with-open-ended-loose-parts-and-under-the-sea/

Transportation! https://yescourse.com/~/creative-campus/#!store/invitations-to-play-with-open-ended-loose-parts-and-transportation/

Watch this space for even more fun ideas this week!  Have fun this week as you learn and build new skills.

Your Creative Solutions Creator and Professional Mess Maker! 
Theresa @ Thecreativecampusonline.com


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