Splish Splash! We Were Havin A Blast!

Happy Friday!

Today I had such a wonderful time with my friends. In the spirit of Mother's Day all our activities were things we had mom do With us. We made mother's day flowers which turned out very cute. We went for minimal mess ( at least with our art work  )  today and the children had a blast.
I believe in letting our friends use their own creative judgment , even if they are only 2. Some of our friends didn't want to add leaves
( their hand prints) to their flowers. I still think they turned out very cute. we just used old art work that was cut into squares. Tissue paper works great as well.
some of our friends chose to  press their paper out flat to make a different look. I think they all came out very cute.

Meanwhile over in our sensory area my friends were tired of playing with blocks and asked for bugs. so I decided to be a little gutsy and gave them all paint smocks that are water proof and let them have some fun.


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