Things Under The Sea

This week I wanted to write and tell you about a fun topic. Things Under The Sea most children love this theme, both boy and girl. This theme can be used in so many fun ways. You can make hand shaped fish like we did this week

With this activity we drew fish in crayon and used water color paint over the crayon. (I actually did this activity for someone in their class so this one I didn't create myself). The children had a lot of fun with it and it is appropriate for all ages. you can stretch it as detailed or as simple as you might want.
Another fun idea to use with the Under The Sea theme, is fish in water. You can do this with fish shaped sponges or you can use Toys like we did this week.
I would suggest using just a small amount of water. They children had just as much fun as they would have with a whole bucket. This way just kept them a lot dryer.
You can even bring a kiddy pool out and fill it with water toys including fish and let the children pretend they are swimming in a real ocean. I also like to give them sand to use as art and let them glue it to a piece of board and stick things to the sand that they might find in the ocean. I love this time of year, there are so many things that you can do with little kids since most of us can spend our learning time outside. In the weeks to come I am going to write a post about Camping/ Fishing/ Outdoors. ( This is one of my favorite things to teach about). Check back Next week for that and Much, Much, More.  and don't forget, I gave Freebies and Fun Games over on my website for those who read this blog.
Till Next Time
The Creative Campus


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