
Showing posts from June, 2014

Multi Step Fish Art!

Hello Everyone! I hope you are as excited for summer as I am! a few weeks ago I started a Multi Step art Project with my friends. I wanted to share with you the details about the pictures that I have been posting on FB as well! I first gave the children a Blank Piece of Large Paper and encouraged them the paint it all blue. Then we tried to add "Sand" you can use actual sand or Yellow Salt but ask you see here, the Salt Didn't Stick Well. Then I encouraged the Children to tear tissue paper and create Seaweed.                                   Finally, For our last step I had my friends use their hand prints to create fish and finish their project! They had as much fun with this as I did watching them. You can make this as details or Simple as you or your friends wish.  I hope you enjoy!!

Robots Robots Everywhere!

This week we made Robots!!  this is by far one of my favorite themes to teach. You can do so much with these and stretch the fun to include sooo many ages. you can count parts you can sort parts by shape . The fun with this is endless. With my friends however, I kept the fun to art and Sensory/ Science. Here is a little peek at what we did. One of my friends decided to use different items to start building a Robot. Combining Paint, Paper Shapes and Straws. This Friend decided to make a puppet. This one has lots of eyes and some cool antenna and Arms. This Robot is very complicated and has lots of buttons! We also decided to build some robots away from the art table. This is what we came up with!  We had a lot of fun with this subject, and I hope you have just as much fun making your own creations!

Sand, Sun, Shells, Fish and Art OH MY!

Hello Everyone!! I haven't written in a while, I just came back from a wonderful Mini Vacation to the Lake. Much Needed and now I'm ready to share with you all. Today I have something fun for you! we started a Multi Step Art Project! This is step one. Next week we are going to add step two. My friends enjoyed this so much they started using their hands, which was a lot of fun. Check Back next week to see step two and see if you can figure out what were going to end up with after Week 4. We also made something that was a lot of fun. We started with a half of a paper plate and added streamers of tissue paper to the bottom. Then we turned it over and painted it. These Tissue paper Jelly Fish were a lot of fun. We also had Sand, Shells, Stones and Sponge Fish in your Sand Table. I hope you have as much fun with these ideas as we did! Leave Us a Comment On FB and let us know what you think .