Sand, Sun, Shells, Fish and Art OH MY!

Hello Everyone!! I haven't written in a while, I just came back from a wonderful Mini Vacation to the Lake. Much Needed and now I'm ready to share with you all. Today I have something fun for you! we started a Multi Step Art Project!

This is step one. Next week we are going to add step two. My friends enjoyed this so much they started using their hands, which was a lot of fun. Check Back next week to see step two and see if you can figure out what were going to end up with after Week 4. We also made something that was a lot of fun.

We started with a half of a paper plate and added streamers of tissue paper to the bottom. Then we turned it over and painted it.
These Tissue paper Jelly Fish were a lot of fun. We also had Sand, Shells, Stones and Sponge Fish in your Sand Table. I hope you have as much fun with these ideas as we did! Leave Us a Comment On FB and let us know what you think .


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