Robots Robots Everywhere!

This week we made Robots!!  this is by far one of my favorite themes to teach. You can do so much with these and stretch the fun to include sooo many ages. you can count parts you can sort parts by shape . The fun with this is endless. With my friends however, I kept the fun to art and Sensory/ Science. Here is a little peek at what we did.
One of my friends decided to use different items to start building a Robot. Combining Paint, Paper Shapes and Straws.
This Friend decided to make a puppet. This one has lots of eyes and some cool antenna and Arms.
This Robot is very complicated and has lots of buttons! We also decided to build some robots away from the art table. This is what we came up with!
 We had a lot of fun with this subject, and I hope you have just as much fun making your own creations!


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