Open Ended "Loose Parts" Play With I Spy

I Spy with my little eye, all my friends who are reading this!  I think your really going to enjoy some of the ideas I have for you on this theme. I love hands on and even messy Learning!  so one of my favorite ways to use this theme is to offer a I Spy Jello Dig! float objects in Jello and solidify. let the children squish, dig, scoop to their hearts content! then talk about the different things they have found. you can tell stories about the objects you have found (this is a lot of fun).

I even love to do I SPY inspired art. give the kids themes to choose from, you can even use learning topics... and let them go through magazines or art pieces and glue things on that connect to their chosen topic . I hope you enjoyed these activities, and If there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?  leave me a message and I would love to help in anyway I can. Leave me a comment below or your can Email me


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