" The Ways To Work With Me" ! ( Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker)

As you may know if you have been following me for a while, I offer programs and services that create activities for learning and skill development through play experiences. These Programs and Services include :

1) "Invitations to Learn and Grown Through Open Ended Play" (Year Long Program) : This is a theme based program that offers DONE for your activities in many learning areas such as Art, Science and Gross Motor

2) Personalize Curriculum Creation Coaching: based on your child's Needs, Interest and Skills. We set goals and make a plan to achieve those goals.

3) Free 30 Minute Creative Curriculum Creator Call :where I get to know you and your child. What you need and then create 5 activities for you to use and keep.
OOOPS! Forgot one
Coming in January I will also be Offering a WEEKLY Free Training! I will share the details on this at a later date. I know you will find it useful.

Today I would Like to issue a challenge! 

I would like to hear from you. How are you using play to build new skills with your little ones? 

Head over to my fb group and join the conversation!https://www.facebook.com/groups/Thecreativecampus/  I love hearing your ideas.

I will be waiting to talk to you :)

Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker!



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