12 Days Of Christmas with Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker and The Creative Campus! Day One

This week I am going to share with you some fun information around ways you can use play to Learn and Build New Skills ALL YEAR ROUND!

Today I want to start with:

5 Benefits you will get as you use "Invitations to Learn and Grown Through Open Ended Play".

1) Play Experiences that will engage and teach and Build New Skills

2) Engagement Opportunities for you and your child to relax and have fun together during this hectic time of the year, that allow you to learn as you play.

3) Together you will Build Creativity

4) I put all the ideas together for you so all you have to do is "Pick and Activity and Play".

5) you may NEVER hear "I'M BORED" Again! ( These activities are reusable because they are personalized and can be changed based on your child's Inspiration).

IF you are interested in learning more, let's set up a 30 minute FREE Creative Curriculum Creator Call. I will answer your questions and create 5 Personalized activities JUST for you! build around your child's Skills, Interests and Needs.


Don't Forget To Have Fun Today! 



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