Hi Everyone! I wanted to talk to you today about, Loose Parts Play! This is something I recently discovered... and I LOVE IT! Instead of offering Teacher directed activities, I love the idea of offering pieces for play, as an invitation to explore and learn on their own. Letting the child create a game that is based on a theme. the creativity is endless and totally personalized. You can offer this kind of play for Any Topic or Subject. this play lends its self well to Art, Science and Even Make Believe Play. You Could offer small parts for a "Monsters" theme. Offer your little ones Googlie Eyes, pipe Cleaners, Buttons, Paper cut outs . Then give them different colors of play dough and let them make silly monsters! You would even do this with robots as well. I am so excited about using this Learning Method with my friends. The Math ideas are endless as well. Leaves, Trees, Pumpkin, Snowmen! You can offer so many different materials depending on what your learnin...