25 Days of Christmas and Winter Activities.... Week One 5 Activities

Happy December Everyone! I am offering a special blog series for the month of December! each week I will share 5 activities for you to use and learn with. Each activity will be connected to Winter Or Christmas in some way! I hope you enjoy using these as much as I have Enjoyed Creating Them!

Circle Christmas Tree

Language Development

Snow Charades

 Snow construction (frozen Shave Cream)

Ice Cream Sundae (cut scoops of ice cream, Cherries, Sprinkles and Flavored topping). Give each player a bowl or cone shape. assign each item a number. using either number cards or dice, each player takes a turn and selects the item of their number. The first person to add all the items to their ice cream wins!

 Dramatic Play

Build Ginger Bread Houses With Boxes use a variety of your favorite art products and be creative!


If you would like to receive more free activities like these, Visit me @ http://thecreativecampus.weebly.com/ Join my FREE Activities Program for more fun content!  Happy Winter I hope you Enjoy!

Ms. Theresa


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