
Showing posts from July, 2015

Homework Kids Will Want To Do and How to Eliminate ...... "I'm Bored" For Ever

This Concept works for all formal areas of learning. Math, writing, reading, science. This is wont require as much work as it sounds like it will.Look at the goal that is attempting to be taught... and turn the written information and bring it into real world experiences. This will engage children in the learning process. extend children's interest in learning and engage their physical needs at the same time. Turn skills or themes that children need to learn or practice into games.If we let children experience learning, their interest and engagement will go so much further.    This is also a great method for Transportation and Construction   Construction/Gross Motor Play Encouraging your children to use their imaginations and every day objects to create learning and creative experiences. This also  squashes boredom and engages creative thinking and determination to "figure New things out" . Sometimes as parents and educators we forget that child...

Play is a Childs Work

Play is how children develop their Skills, Creativity, Relationships and sense of self. Some people believe that  play is unproductive (especially as children get older). I however believe that play is really a child's work. By this I mean, that children grow and learn as they play. Children are not meant to learn through sitting still and listening, watching things be demonstrated or reading from a book alone! Children learn when they experience. Some children are interested in some forms of play and learning over others. This is what makes them individual. I believe that that most productive learning environments provide all forms of play and learning work in a way that allows every child to choose what interests them the most. These forms of play/ work should include but don't have to be limited to  : Small Motor :Digging, Stringing, Cutting, Coloring, Painting, Mixing , Large Motor: Running, Climbing, Spinning, Kicking, Math: Counting, Meas...

Learning Language My Way! Turning Pictures into Speech

Picture Lables with Words Labeling objects that children use or see every day with the word of what they are along with a picture creates a visual and language connection. For children who communicate through pictures this is a very useful tool that helps them develop and learn. one of my favorite ways to do this using play, is by playing something I created called "The Color Game". This is a game that uses mats with pictures of everyday object on it and a set of matching cards (laminated pictures works too) . I divide the cards up among players and everyone takes turns matching the pictures they flip over to the pictures on the board. I have extended this game by adding the letter that each object starts with. This can be used for letter recognition, spelling or even learning to read for older children. This truly is a game we all enjoy playing. Curiosity Boxes with Clues this is another fun and engaging way to develop speech. I like to collect objects tha...