Play is a Childs Work

Play is how children develop their Skills, Creativity, Relationships and sense of self. Some people believe that  play is unproductive (especially as children get older). I however believe that play is really a child's work. By this I mean, that children grow and learn as they play. Children are not meant to learn through sitting still and listening, watching things be demonstrated or reading from a book alone! Children learn when they experience. Some children are interested in some forms of play and learning over others. This is what makes them individual. I believe that that most productive learning environments provide all forms of play and learning work in a way that allows every child to choose what interests them the most. These forms of play/ work should include but don't have to be limited to :

Small Motor :Digging, Stringing, Cutting, Coloring, Painting, Mixing,

Large Motor: Running, Climbing, Spinning, Kicking,

Math: Counting, Measuring, Building,

Science: Planting, Cooking, Fossil Printing

Sensory : Tasting, Touching , Smelling, Making Sounds

Speech: Singing, Story Telling, Reading 

Social Skills : Sharing, Team Work, Make Believe Play

Children are as exhausted after a long day of play as you or I might be after a long day at work. this is a wonderful opportunity to share stories about the events of the day!


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