Homework Kids Will Want To Do and How to Eliminate ...... "I'm Bored" For Ever

This Concept works for all formal areas of learning. Math, writing, reading, science. This is wont require as much work as it sounds like it will.Look at the goal that is attempting to be taught... and turn the written information and bring it into real world experiences. This will engage children in the learning process. extend children's interest in learning and engage their physical needs at the same time. Turn skills or themes that children need to learn or practice into games.If we let children experience learning, their interest and engagement will go so much further. 
This is also a great method for
Transportation and Construction
Construction/Gross Motor Play
Encouraging your children to use their imaginations and every day objects to create learning and creative experiences. This also  squashes boredom and engages creative thinking and determination to "figure New things out" . Sometimes as parents and educators we forget that children are not wired the way we were as kids. we didn't have computers, I pads, cell phones, and in some cases video games that "Kept us engaged and entertained". we had to create our own Engagement and entertainment. This is a skill and mindset todays kids lack. Children today are used to being constantly engaged by teachers keeping their attention through lessons, and paying attention to what is being present to them. Because of this, when kids do have free time, where adults are NOT directing there attention and learning in Created for them Activities, they don't know or understand how to create this for themselves. by offering these experiences and using their environment children's skills, and ability to be creative and learn on their own is facilitated.
So the next time you hear "I'm Bored" Feel Free to tap into any of the blog posts here and put your own spin on them to get your friends engaged and entertained (On Their Own). I hope you enjoyed this. If your interested in some more FREE activities put together for you (this would make a great play room book for kids to reference and create on their own). Email me and I will send you a free reference. fragileangel@wowway.com

Till Next Time!

Ms. Theresa


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