The Creative Campus Online Community Event! "Open Ended Play" Programs Coming in 2016~

If you are wondering "How can I teach my child math skills without them loosing interest"? I have something your going to want to read. First I would ask, "What is your child' s favorite way to learn"? do they learn best by Doing, Listening or Watching? something being taught to them? that is the first step to engaging your child's attention and getting them to WANT to learn. Once you figure that out you can use things they are interested in to teach all learning concepts.  I have created Several courses on this theory. Some of them create the activities for you so all you have to do is  play and learn! others are more of a team effort. I have you fill out some information about your child, Their needs, Interests and skills. Then I take that information and ask you to set goals for your child's learning and Development. Once we have goals set I create Activities based on your child's Interest Skills and  goals you have set. by using these activities you will see growth in your child towards achieving these goals! If this is something you would like to be a part of, then you need to join the creative campus where you can use my programs. Is their a question about learning and activity development that you haven't found an answer to ? are you trying learn something with your little friends that you would love to have a creative solution for? Come Join Me, and leave me a Question or Comment!  and I will respond to you personally with one of my favorite activities that applies to your topic or subject area.  Below You will see 3 Activities that I enjoy using again and again with my clients and students! I hope you enjoy them as much as they do!

Shapes (Loose parts play) This is a fun learning theme. Shapes teaches math and encourages creativity naturally. Shapes play is a wonderful way to practice eye hand coordination as well.  I love to Watch my students use shapes to create real life objects. Letting them use their creativity is so much fun. Shape play is a wonderful way to build language as well. You can encourage children to use their investigative skills to find shapes on a walk or just around the environment.  Is there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?  leave me a message and I would love to help in anyway I can. Below I have shared Some of my favorite activities for this theme:
1) Building with blocks

2) Cooking with shapes (Make Pizza, or Soup or Salads)
​3) Make a Picture and tell a story about it

​I hope you enjoy learning about "Loose Parts" with me this year! I can't wait to share all the fun activities I have learned


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