Have A Creative Friday!

It's Friday .... Friday ! (Doing Happy Dance) I hope you get to enjoy this wonderful day! Today I want you to have some creative Fun!
I want you to create Your Favorite Plant! you can make a 3d Version (stuffed bags, Folded Paper). You can use clay and sculpt. I want you to have fun with it! (post your creations for me to see).  Also I realized I haven't Given you Questions For the Invitations I have been posting .OOPS!

Here are a few:
1) What would you plant in ...your garden?
2) What Tools Would You need?
3) How would you plant your garden?

I posted something this morning I thought you would enjoy reading!
https://plus.google.com/collection/UdD7SB If you are looking for tips to build Independence for your child. This is for you! I would love to hear your thoughts. Have a great weekend! 

Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker! 


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