From The Desk Of Your Creative Content Creator (Transportation)

Theme:  Transportation

Tip: Use Child Directed Stories and Engage the kids in creating their own city.

Tip: Get kids to think about the kids of art supplies they could use to create Boats, Planes or Cars

Tip: Eye Hand Coordination and Matching. Create a memory game of different car parts. Matching the correct parts to their car.
What are you working on? What do you need? What are your goals? Join Us and Let Us Help You Learn Through Play!  
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Top 10 Favorites
  1. Shape Vehicles
  2. Can you make it go? Build Cars, Planes, Boats from recyclables
  3. Show me how it moves ( movement )
  4. Move From  Place to place ( child directed stories using transportation)
  5. What Does it Need to get from place to place ( Tracks, Roads, Water) build each one and test it out. Then match each vehicle with its chosen pathway
  6. What Jobs Does This Vehicle Perform? Pictures or clues to get kids to guess.
  7. Build a train with loose parts
  8. Build a city.
     9) play "build a Vehicle" a game of number and part association
    10)  What am I? ( a game of clues and seeking)
For More Transportation fun, Join the Invitations to Play program for tons more Transportation Related fun!

Questions For Engaging Learning

1)What is your favorite form of transportation?
2) how is your vehicle built?
3) How does your vehicle travel?


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