Week 8 2017 Construction and Confidence Building

Welcome Back!
This week I would like to share with you Tips, Tools and 10 activities for learning and building Confidence and Self Esteem . You can access all this content FREE by clicking the link below!

 Confidence https://yescourse.com/~/the-creative-curriculum-creator-service/#!store/week-8-creative-curriculum-weekly-training-series-confidence-and-self-esteem/

I will be happy to answer any and all questions you have as you use these fun and engaging ideas.
 If you are looking for even more Silly learning fun that will support you in building Speech, as you learn about animals. I would like to invite you to download my "Invitations to Play with Open Ended Loose Parts" program. For $65.00 you will get 30 days worth of fun Learning activities. Click the link below to get started! Construction

I hope you have a great day of Learning and Skill Building!

Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker!

Theresa @ The Creative Campus


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