Catterpillars, Flowers , Butterflies OH MY!

Spring is a great time to get out and explore the great out doors. New flowers and popping up, animals are coming out and things are growing and changing all around us. This makes great opportunities for learning about  nature. A great way to pull nature into your art is by making Textured Caterpillar's, Flowers and Butterflies. This is a lot easier then it sounds, I like to give my friends shapes that look like Caterpillar's (circles) this might mean giving them a bowl with some paint and dipping the bowl into the paint to stamp circles. Then the fun begins. I like to give my friends cut up straws of different colors, tissue paper, confetti if I have it. any kind of art pieces that will be bumpy or textured. Encourage them to fill in the circles they stamped with the pieces and before they know it, they will have a colorful textured Caterpillar's, Flower or butterfly. Now if your going to do a flower, I like to use glue and let my friends either dip the pieces in the glue and glue them on blank paper OR
you can give them glue and let them pour from a bottle or use dabbers to put it on paper and then give them sand or glitter or colored salt to cover the glue with. this makes really neat looking and feeling flowers.  then when they are done, they can add a paper stem and if mom and dad are really brave they can paint heir hand and stamp the leaves to finish their art.  As for the butter flies, I would suggest adding the above techniques together and creating pretty , Textured and colorful butterflies.


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