Scavenger Hunts Indoors and Out (Themed)

Welcome Back Friends,

I wanted to share another idea with you that I think is a lot of fun. this is something that can be used Indoors, Outdoors and even while you are out doing other tasks. "Scavenger Hunts". This is a great activity for Home and School! This is an activity that practices many skills such as Critical Thinking, Vocabulary Building, Attention Span and many other things. If your in the store and you want to keep your child engaged while you are accomplishing other tasks! you can give them a pictured list (depending on their age) and you can tell them OK we need to find the things on this list before I finish my shopping or whatever task it is you have your child along for. this gives your child a sence of importance and independence that they have a "Job" to do. like us and leave a comment saying you read my blog, and I will send you my newsletters and many other free goodies. you will also have access to even more Weekly Free activities.
If your in a grocery store, this can help with identifying Shapes, Colors, Counting and Numbers if they are picking out individual items. Its learning that dosent feel like learning for the child. Now if your in a more educationl setting like school then you can take the children on a walk and have them look for examples of Colors, Numbers, Shapes and so on. OR you can hide items around the room that enforce a topic and give the child a clue as to what the object is and where it might be, and each child gets a chance to go find it. This is another Really fun activity that I personally have used that the children (Preschool Age) really enjoyed. If you Enjoyed this activity but want to get more fun ideas, Please head over to my Facebook Page

Till Next Time!


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