Discovery Play

Hi Everyone!

I hope your having lots of fun and learning new things every day! I wanted to talk to you about an activity that can be used in many ways. I call this "Discovery Play" I like to set out a substance like Shaving Cream or Jello and provide a variety of toys for my friends to play with IN the substance. This provides a sensory and play experience all in one. One of my favorite things to do with this activity is to set out Cars, People and even little furniture or food. This creates a fun opportunity for play and learning, because the children can use the items in any way they see fit. They can use the food to cook, or they can use all the toys and have the people cook using the food while pretending to be in a pretend place represented by the jello or Shaving Cream. I love to watch the creative thinking that children use when you provide them an open ended play experience like this. Activities like this can also open up opportunities to create stories and develop language skills. You can sit with the children and ask them questions about their play, and you can write as they dictate. These experiences always produce fun stories to share later that can be enjoyed over and over. If you are looking for more fun free material, you can check out my Facebook Page! like us and comment that you read my blog and you will get free activities, Newsletters and much more! 


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