Dino Adventure

Hello Everyone!

Today I want to share some fun dinosaur activities with you. I recently did this theme with a group of boys and they loved it! One of the activities that we did was Dino Skeletons! this was very simple and they were really into it. I gave them Popsicle sticks and bendy straws, and I let them glue them on a piece of paper. they then added eyes and to finish it all off they painted over it to give the Dino's skin! they came out really neat looking! this was totally their own creation from start to finish which made it fun to watch! Then I gave me Dino's in goop! I couldn't believe what a big hit this nasty concoction was!
 shaving cream and liquid glue. Let it sit before playing and it becomes slime that wont stick to your fingers!! (I had more fun with it after the kids left hehe). they loved stomping in it and making tracks. Lastly we made volcano's. I think this one looks really cool even though it was very simply done.

 I let the children free paint on a piece of paper first. Then I gave them a volcano cut out to put over top! I think they look awesome! Defiantly one I will use again!


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