Exciting Changes Happening At The Creative Campus Preschool Website!!!

TGIF Everyone!

I wanted to write you a little note before the weekend and let you know about the       
exciting changes going on Over at The Creative Campus Preschool Website http://thecreativecampus.weebly.com/ . I have added the Opportunity for You to work with Me One On One! that's right I will now work with you on a monthly basis to Set Goals and Create A Monthly Plan to Achieve those Goals Using Activities and Play! I still offer all the Games, Skill Boxes and Fun Information as Always. I just wanted to offer the chance to work together to Take Your Child, From Where They Are To Where You Want Them To Be! Educationally and Socially.  If you want more information I Encourage you can look at the website and request The Free "Skill Survey" which is the first step towards working together. I am Very excited about working with you in a more personalized way and I hope you are too!  Enjoy Your Weekend!



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