String Art and So Much More

Hi Everyone!

I have some very exciting things I want to share with you. I have been having a lot of fun with my friends recently and our most recent Art Experience took on a life of its own. I started out introducing a string art activity, and my friends decided that they liked their own methods better (that happens sometimes). Take a look at what my friends came up with. I hope it Inspires you to engage your own creativity.
Originally the strings were taped to the trays and the paint was ON the strings so that no brushes were used.  My friends were supposed to flick the strings to make their pictures. They didn't like the ideas of using the strings so they started painting around the strings and as they came off the trays, they started to mix the strings in the paint. This is an activity that can be used for many different themes. the children had a lot of fun with this as well.


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