5 Activities For Science Skills and Learning

Hi Everyone!  I just wanted to share with you a part of a new blog series I started, called 5 Activities. Each post will give 5 activities to use for a specific topic. I hope you enjoy these posts and I look forward to your comments!


Dino Bone Dig 

I have use this one over the years. I have enjoyed doing this activity myself. you can find different types of bones or fossils and burry them in your sand table. give each child brushes or scoops to dig out each bone and build a creature.

You can use the fossils (objects work too) and press them into playdough to make your own fossils. this is a fun hands on science activity that allows the children to learn about why some things fossilize and some don't.

Grow Flowers or Plants. Provide seeds or already started plants. encourage the children to care for their plants daily. As the plants grow and produce food the children will enjoy the rewards of their work.

Cook Simple Meals Or Make Playdough: this is fun and easy. you can cook simple things like cookies or Personal pizzas letting the children prep their own food. OR you can make something from scratch like playdough. The fun and even edible varieties are endless. These activities engage all sorts of learning and development. Math, Small Motor skills, Creativity are all incorporated.

Sensory :


Touching : Collect Materials that Feel Very Different ( sand, Water, Cotton, Rocks) put each one into a bin that is covered. have each person put their hand in and feel what's inside. Let each person guess.. if they don't guess correctly give one clue at a time to reveal what it is.


Making Sounds:
Sound Shakers are a fun and engaging activity that I like to keep in our science area. All you need are clean containers with lids and small objects that produce different sounds. I like to use different liquids as well. However I suggest putting liquids in bottles that are sealable if you choose to do this.

I hope you enjoy this activities. I would love to hear your comments about your versions of these activities as well.


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