The Code To Creating Engaging Activities For Learning And Development!

I believe in the concept referred to in a quote by Lao- Tzu:" If you Tell me, I will Listen. If you Show me I will See, But If you let me Experience I will Learn"! That is the philosophy I have built my work around as well. I do believe that we are all different, we have different experiences and points of view and because of this we all also learn differently. this is why I believe that every child needs to be given learning and development experiences based on Their Skills, Needs( both educational and developmental) and Their Interests. 

What are the things your children are always asking endless questions about? Maybe the same questions? what are the things that they are drawn too or constantly "Getting into". these are clues to the areas of learning you should incorporate into daily lessons. This is how to naturally engage and further learning! an activity that can be using for many learning areas and experiences I like to introduce "Veterinary Office". I include stuffed animals, leashes with collars, and a variety of medical interment's. Then I encourage the children to engage with the animals asking questions about what might be wrong with the dog, and how they want to go about fixing it. you can even bring some science into it and encourage the children to make their own concoctions (medicines) out of sand, water, leaves, whatever kind of science materials you have available. the possibilities are endless which is why this kind of play experience is one of my favorites. I hope it will be one of yours as well.

Don't forget , I share many more ideas on my Fb  page and in our Group. when you join and or become a member of my blog I will send you a free gift.
Till Next Time, Ms. Theresa


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