It's Small Motor Monday! I have something I want to share with you!

Good Morning Friend!

As you may know, for the month of April we are talking about Animals. In keeping with this theme, I want to share a fun Small Motor activity with you.
Today is a beautiful day to get outside and have some fun. Go outside and encourage your little friends to collect sticks rocks and all sorts of fun things. Then create a "Build an Animal" Game. Sort all the pieces into piles.... then give each pile an number. you can take turns either flipping over number cards or rolling a dice. Pick the piece from the number chosen, and add to your animal! Also Don't Forget! Every Friday I respond to your questions that I receive throughout the week. Here are some of the ones I answered Friday. Incase you missed it. I answered questions on making math fun! I hope you enjoy and I cant wait to get your questions.

Till Next Time,
Your Creativity Producer and Professional Mess Maker!


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