The First Ever Creative Campus Activity Challenge! Bugs, Gardens

Hi!  Welcome To The First Ever Creative Campus Activity Challenge!

This Month I shared some of my favorite ways to engage in learning about FARMS! Here are a few in case you missed them on my Fb Page (
One of my favorite things to do with kids of many different ages, is called "What Is It"? you can put food, Plants or even animals into a container. create descriptive questions, and starting with one question. Let the children feel the item without looking and guess what is inside. this is a great activity for Thinking skills and Sensory experiences

1) Animal Voices: Provide pictures of animals and play recordings on the noises they make. ask the children guess them correctly have them choose the correct animal from the pile till all are chosen.

2) Animal Match : Find Pictures of animals and their babies. display the pictures and allow children to take turns matching adults with their babies.

3) Life Size Animals: talk about how big animals really are, and help children measure them out and create life size shadows with tape, then trace on butcher paper and let the children decorate with the textures they think belong on each one.

4) Animal In Action: Have each child name their favorite animal, instruct children to group animals by where they live or how they move. you can use Brown Bear Brown Bear Story.

5) Act Like An Animal :have children act out how they think each animal moves. Use animal action song

I started to talk about my theme for this year "Invitations To Play" Here is an example of an invitation:

A Fun Math Invitation for Farm: Who Lives Where? you can offer small versions of farm animals. Create sensory versions of the type of home each animal lives in. Ask the Child to Put Each animal in the right home. Then you can Further learning by asking what might this animal eat? What kind of sound do they make? How Do They Move? JUST HAVE FUN!

Now!  for the Challenge Part!  Leave me a comment about Your favorite activity for Teaching about Farms! I will pick one person and you will receive one of my favorite games that goes with this theme! ( I will choose the winner on the 15th of April).

How Can I Help You Learn And Grow?  Leave your Questions and Comments below.

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