Open Ended Play with "Loose Parts" Bugs and Gardens

Some of my favorite ways to use this theme are:
1) Plastic/Sponge bugs in grass, water or sand/dirt (Search and sort by color or type)
2) Plant Parts In the Art area ( let kids create their own plant)
3) Plant and Care for Gardens in Jars or shallow boxes.
Questions To ask For Extending Learning and Engagement:
1) How are Bugs The Same/Different
2) What Is Your Favorite Plant? What Kind Of Plant is it? (Food Plant, Flower, est.)
3) What Are The Different Parts Of A (Name Favorite Bug) I hope you enjoyed these activities, and If there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?
leave me a message and I would love to help in anyway I can. or leave me a comment below.
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