Open Ended "Loose Parts Play" With Clouds

Clouds!  this is a really fun theme. you can even use this one with different age ranges together.  The pictures included in this post are a few of my favorite activities I have done with this theme. Printing clouds with puffy glue is a fun art activity that engages Eye Hand Coordination.

 Read the book "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" and print out the images. you can use them for fun Gross Motor activities. Gather the kids together and do a Cloud themed "move Like A" Game. Play Music and One at a time, pull the pictures from a container. Tell the students, "Move Like A.... Mitten, Bird" Ect. You can also Display the pictures around a room, and walk around the room giving clues about the pictures they might find.
Clouds and Loose Parts  Invitations To Play and Learn

This is a great sensory subject that can be used in so many ways. I love to use cloud activities in the sensory area. The Science area allows the children to investigate and experiment. It's also great for language development. Is there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?  leave me a message and I would love to help in any way I can.

Some of my favorite ways to use this theme are:

1) It looks like spilt milk charades
2) cotton ball cloud making Art
3) Make Clouds Sensory (use different texture objects like Shaving Cream, Whipped Cream, Soap Flakes Or Play dough (share my white mix recipe)

Questions To ask For Extending Learning and Engagement:
1) What are clouds made of?
2) What Do Clouds Feel Like?
3) How are Clouds Made?

I hope you enjoyed these activities and if  there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?  leave me a message and I would love to help in anyway I can. or Leave Me a Comment Here.


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