Stages of water learning!

Hi everyone!

Today I wanted to talk to you about the stages of water. Snow, steam, Ice! these are all forms or stages of water. How do these things form?  what causes all these changes to water? I would love to hear your favorite ways to explore these stages of water! we are learning all about these things all this week. want to join the conversation?  join us. Creative Campus Early Childhood Learning Activity Group

If you want more Learning and Skill Building Check these out.!store/invitations-to-play-with-open-ended-loose-parts-and-under-the-sea/ (you will find many more of the course page.)

I look forward to learning about Water with you this week!  don't forget to share you ideas with us.

Talk to you soon,
Your Creative Solutions Creator and Professional Mess Maker! 

Theresa @


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