Eye Hand Coordination

 are a great way to use eye hand coordination. Playing games like Baseball, Hot Potato, Play dough is a great tool for creating games that use eye hand coordination as well. You can play a game that I use a lot called alphabet soup that creates letters while learning sounds a much much more. (if you want more information leave me a comment below).

 Busy Boxes  : are a fun activity that I created. These are small activities that children can engage in to practice a skill. one of my favorites is a "Robot" box. They have to choose parts and stick them together to create a robot. ( I have many others on my website). http://thecreativecampus.weebly.com/programs-products-and-free-content.html

Projects :

I enjoy providing activities in my classroom that use eye hand coordination. I also love art and I have found a great activity that engages all of it. I like to provide art materials in a bin along with parts of a house. (the roof, side walls, doors ect.) Encourage the children to build their house and then decorate it and add parts as they desire.

I hope you enjoy these fun activities. I would love to hear some of your favorite Eye Hand Coordination activities.


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