Open Ended "Loose Parts" Transportation

Welcome Back Friends! Transportation is a theme that has something for everyone!  Planes, Trains, Cars, Boats!  in the past my friends have enjoyed creating their own cars and boats and trains . I provide the boxes and they bring the transportation to life!  then they use them to create interactive play. So much fun!  I have also enjoyed putting Transportation themed  counters in the sensory area and let the children create their own  Train tracks, Road ways, or water ways for boats.

Transportation (Loose parts)
This is a great theme that is not only perfect for young kids… but if you have older children, you can get them involved with this as well. The things you can do with transportation are endless. Really gets you to use your imagination and creativity. Is there something you might be struggling with? or feeling frustration around while you're creating and engaging at home?  leave me a message and I would love to help in any way I can.

Some of my favorite activities to do with this theme are:

1) Build a Car, Train, Plane  (provide boxes, container lids and other art materials)

2) Build a City with roads and add different forms of transportation you might find. (talk about what they are used for and where).

3) Transportation Puzzle Stories. (cut pictures of Boats, Cars Trains and so on into sections.) Mix them all up and take turns picking pieces. Match them together and as you figure out what they are, create a story about what it would be used for.
  1. what are the different types of transportation?
  2. How Do The Different forms of transportation work?
  3. Who Operates the different types of transportation?


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